Whilst watching the the Olympics on TV the 1500m decathlon race began, I realised their time was clearly going to be under 4 minutes. Although the race is less than a mile, it reminded me of the historic struggle to break the 4-minute mile barrier.
Once Roger Bannister achieved it, it became clear to everyone that it was possible, and soon many more athletes accomplished it.
This shows that when you believe something is possible, you have the right mindset to achieve it. On the other hand, doubt can hugely block you from reaching your full potential.
The Power of Belief in Achieving Your Goals
When you think of your goals and dreams, do you believe they are possible? If not, what are you saying to yourself?
The biggest obstacle to achieving your goals is often your own internal chatter. If you find yourself doubting your ability to reach your dreams, take a moment to reflect on what you are telling yourself.
Are you setting limitations based on past experiences or fears? By shifting your mindset and believing in the possibility of success, you open the door to achieving what once seemed impossible.
We can learn from these athletes and look at others who have been successful, using their achievements to inspire ourselves towards greatness.

How Mindset Affects Your Success
As an EFT coach, I am here to help you tap into your inner strength and release the negative beliefs that are holding you back. Together, we can transform your mindset and unlock your true potential. Believe in yourself and take that first step towards your dreams today.

Transforming Your Mindset with EFT Coaching
If you have goals or dreams that you’re struggling to believe in, let’s work together to clear those blocks and set you on a path to success.
Your potential is limitless when you believe in the possibilities.
Review Your Current Situation and Future Goals
If you're at a crossroads in your life and doing a bit of a life review, you might find my free journaling workbook helpful "Beyond Being Mum: How to Rediscover Yourself as Your Kids Get Older". Click here to access it.
